Monday, July 20, 2009


The United States of America talks about Democracy... Hunts down leaders of other lands. Destroys freedom of the people of the land. Below is a link to a documentary about the Panama War... No different than Iraq.. We hear American propaganda we never take into account the freedom of people they in their wars take away.. does The USA think that freedom is a right for the United States alone.. They say their wars is for freedom and democracy.. But they certainly are going a long way in making themselves the world dictators. Hypocrisy.. They promote nothing but prejudice. We must start understanding that we simply have no understanding of these people.. strangers to our customs, to our understanding. We must not let The United States of America inform us of these people.. We have the internet, we have the opportunity to learn about them first hand.. do not let these Americans take over the world without a fight. FREEDOM MEANS PEACE FOR US ALL.. NOT JUST THE WORLD DICTATOR USA. What the USA is calling dictators are in their lands called heroes of freedom. Who is the United States to judge? So take the hour and a half needed to view this documentary before they find a way to bury it, and for those who saw it.. never forget you did.. because when we ignore their actions we leave the door open for them to do it to us.

I can't get my links to work so please cut and paste this link to your address bar.
it is an hour and a half documentary about the Panama War.


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