Friday, July 17, 2009

I have another blog

I have another blog, that I began before this one. I am thinking why I have two.. I did a friend a favor or so I thought or maybe thinking. But when it comes down to writing the good stuff, I post it there.
Every now and then it feels right to mention it. It is not that I am trying to hide.. My Facebook account is like walking on egg shells.. that is my connection to the relative pool.. they love their heads up their asses..

I opened this one because someone specific is trying to find me.. That person left specific behavioral signs to let me know its true.. This spirit stuff misused and imbalance is a crazy place. But I go about my business checking here and there. I know how it works and how it should work, others do not. So I put out my vents, I put out my frustrations on this one.. and when I feel sane enough I work out elsewhere. So if you are looking for something more than what this place gives you check the other one out.

This person who looks for me drives me insane once in a while.. really crazy.. blogga blogga blogga so I blogger-ed it. lol What we hear in the spirit does not always make sense or the connections we wish it to be.. I am looking forward to some other ways you say you love me.. I think you know who you are... That line is just in case he finds this blog.. the love song is yours.. it's on here somewhere..

For others, spirit is deeply subconscious... has to ability to be like hypnosis.. We the human race have ignored its force long enough. It has become life threatening to give up our wholeness so a few can control the majority. Those supporting the status quo are in a strong position to defend it. Until we realize that spirituality equates to the power of nature itself.. And just to give you an idea of how powerful that is, remember hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, then you come to see the power behind religion.. Nature is also the power behind evolution. How to break religious hold is what I have been trying to get out there. And if you have questions please ask... and do check out


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