Thursday, June 4, 2009

Andrew 2009-06-01

Why would we waste our own physical life? I don't understand that. I read a quote somewhere, sometime that said: "I don't regret the things I've done, I only regret the things I didn't do." We each have an innate ability to choose: right or wrong. No matter what, it comes way to one way or the other; not simply one way. A narrowed minded view would be one that is not open to ideas that are not proven or inconclusive. Do you think if God did exist that "he" or "it" or "the force" would ever come out in "physical" form on earth? Who are we? We are but one of millions of civilizations across the universe. At that, we are one of millions in a very "small" amount of space. You see, dark matter composes 80% of space in the universe. What is this? Well, scientists aren't too sure, other than it has a distinct tugging force. In fact dark matter composes most of the universes "mass" as well, and that is calculated using the pulling force the dark matter has on stars, planets, comets, etc. Although I'm sure you are aware of this, and are certain that it's all simple nature, and it very well could be, but how can you completely rule out God?
People live their lives the way they do because it's the only system they know. It's a system that has been in place before you or I was born. Could you imagine changing that? This is why I say that change must be embraced by the people, rather than imposed by the elite. But what would make people want to change their opinion? People are so stuck in their own realities and perspectives and views on issues and life that for everyone to "join the movement" for freedom would be very difficult. Most people would response: "What do you mean? I thought we already had freedom." At 20, do I sound like a person that was conditioned and brainwashed by the education system? Come on, human beings are capable of far greater things than falling into the cracks. Not only do I work in construction, but I also attend university. I get the best of both worlds, and have been working since age 9. Every person is different, and to make a generalization on 20 year olds is very judgmental. My IQ is very high, and I have a natural talent in leadership. I have done far extensive study beyond what has ever been created in the education curriculum. Just read the 80 blogs I've got up, and you'll clearly see that. These are more than simply regurgitating facts, but it is a fresh perspective on the reality and presentation of the facts. I'm not saying that I am right about everything; I am simply expressing my views. How do you know that there was no life on Mars? Ever? Come on, there could have been life there before here. We are only 4.5 billion years old. I don't accept that simple: yes or no answer on the unknown. How are you able to attain your conclusions so quickly and decisively? I know you may say that this has been developed over your lifetime, but what about what science says? Science says it is still SEARCHING and EXPLORING on Mars. For what? For signs of life. But no, YOU KNOW. Where did you get the inside knowledge? I do not understand this at all. Because it is round it is a planet? What about the sun? The moon? Need I go on?You sound like you know all the answers. This is, believe it or not, part of "THE HUMAN CONDITION." We believe that age is the deciding factor. Meanwhile, I could have an extremely intelligent conversation with many of my friends, and each of them have something interesting to add. Most of us are young, but some of my friends are older. Some of my friends are teachers and politicians. I am not your average twenty year-old. I also do not believe I have it figured out yet. But what I have figured out, which is irrefutable historical facts and lots of information. Knowing your view on life, I find it hard to imagine that you will ever read all the information on my blog, but if you did, I am confident that you would find at least 30 new facts that you did not know before. Why? Because you may have never thought about it that way. Finally, when you ask someone a question, although you may be compelling them to think, you are also gaining knowledge of what their perspective may be. Whether this changes your own is another story, but whether you now know another person's perspective on an issue, you now have a better understanding of humanity. I don't dismiss anybody's opinion or perspective as rubbish (I know that's your favourite word). As a matter of fact, I value every person's opinion. And if we could only gain knowledge of what everyone really thought, we would have a far better view of the world. Blogs are certainly a way for people to express themselves, and I see that we are both busy, writing away. I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself in writing, as you may have noticed. Blogs could very well be something for people to learn and grow from...if only everyone had the time to READ them all, and if only everyone actually VALUED other people's opinion, even if they are brainwashed.

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