Thursday, June 11, 2009


Nature vs. Rome
How can we tell that nature (Karma) has been fighting the pope all these years. Well Ceasar of Rome has been whittled down to the Pope. Far less commanding, Far more foolish. The Bible is his handbook in becoming King again. God making man in his own image. Christians are of the behaviour that Rome is seeking to re-impose upon it’s King. Rome figures it could beat Karma, by using human opinion of him.
Through this, we have inherited, religion, an anal society, all the laws Rome wants in place to subdue the population, mainly taking all the fun out of life. He wants he and his rich friends to party down while the rest of us live out our lives as slaves.
What did nature gain. The head of Rome must promote peace.
The head of Rome wears a dress. The head of Rome often wears slippers. In 1840 The pope lost all political clout. His country has been knocked down to 108 acres of land called the Vatican. Romans are not inheriting this throne, Europeans are.
He still commands it as a king. 108 Acres of land, population less than 800, and still he is accepted as part of the world governments. Why is this? His ability to deceive the masses. It is us the human population.
We humans are cognitive beings. Nature is instinctive which means reactive and subconscious. How little our cognitive abilities work in this matter.
The Pope, Rome, is conscious of our activities, we are blind to his. Example, when we say there is many paths to god, Rome responds yes all paths lead to Rome. We are in an intellectual battle. How many are trying. To solve the bible, yet are confused calling it a great mystery. Rome thrives on denial, superstition, apathy, and acceptance of the status quo.
Latin called a dead language, why is it the dominant language in medicines, science, politics and law. If Latin is a dead language, why are there so many new words. Latin, a language used to place the meaning of these things outside common knowledge. New plants given Latin names, laws using Latin words, and Medical terms given Latin names. And where there is Latin there is Roman influence to misguide, manipulate, Roman deception. Latin the language of lies.
While we blindly work our way through life against nature and to the advantage of the pope. We are loosing our connection to nature, we, the human race are becoming the problem as a whole. Our cultures, our understanding of the planet, our knowledge limited and directed by Rome alone. We must start denying Rome its religion, its godship, its influence. its ammunition against Nature.
So next time you defend the pope the bible and its religions think of what you are condemning the next generation of people to.

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