Saturday, May. 30, 2009 @ 02:21:12 pm
you are right it did get very very long.. you said most of this was directed at me so I'm going to take on these issues one at a time here. Evolution is not things just exploding into existance it is something happening.. a very slow change...Science is the observation of nature.. curiosity makes science humans practice science. but to understand nature is science. Chemical obsession is like a dog chasing it's tail. when you look at a tree and can,t see he tree. when you look at the ground and can't see the earth. you are a fool. So today's scientist are headed in the wrong direction. Chemical obssession is taking away from the purpose of science. which is to understand nature. you do that through observation.Evolution is as much a law of nature as gravity.. it is a constant occurance.. one human.. evolves from a child to an adult to a senior citizen then dies.. that is the life cycle of a human. Then societies evolved. here is where we are missing the boat. they evolved to serve one ideology.. The Roman Empire and he roman empire serves only itself. conquest. but evolution is a law of nature no ceasar .. so we see the evolution of the roman emperor to the catholic pope.. but he is still playing a role. rome evolved, lots of destruction.. but rome faught back. now we are limited to it's educational view, it's political views, it is still a dominating factor. Once we begin to associate the influence rome has on our cultural evolution we can see where we parted from nature. we are in a time where nature is asserting itself with in the human animal. Either we help nature find our way out or nature itself will evolve into natural selection.. meaning humas who do not fit into natures plans shall be illiminated. And we can not find our way out by following the mentality or the one who set out the mentality meaning Rome, the pope and the bible. those are the resources that keep us confused. Rome demands blind faith. blind faith isn't going to make us understand nature.. especially since all , every bit of the church's theology, forces us against nature. Example, the christian movement to ban evolution from being taught in schools. Every where you look there is Roman influence, Everywhere there is roman influence there is damage and roman forcing blindness.. We do not see how much rome has influence over our formal education system. it Rome, the church , is the one who decides what to accept. Christians who put blind faith in rome are his army. or muslims, or islam.. as long as we don't look in the direction of rome and the pope. Formal education was introduced by rome so that rome can control what we learn. This is responding to your first paragraph.. next paragraph.. next comment.
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Saturday, May. 30, 2009 @ 02:47:14 pm
Animals are more receptive to nature.. I will not call it god.. god is a human thing and the belief in it is the reason we do not fit in with nature. God is a conscept. in my quest for answers there was the quest for god. but as I began to understand nature i found the deception of god. We do not know nature because the pope is at war with nature. and he calls himself god. In my understanding, I say to nature you should be god. but god is a fairy tale a superstition. nature is real. so nature is nature and the pope plays god. And as long as we set ourselves up against nature by having loyalty to god we are placing the future of humanity at risk. We do not religion, or god for what we call an instinct actually transfers to the word conscience. we have a conscience. Brainwashing comes from Rome.. Nature don't care about most things it just wants stability and peace... By setting up a system of the haves and have not rome has assured that among the humans there is never stability or peace. by oppressing the many, and having the rich rub our noses in it. by continually encouraging imbalance, war, violence and the attitude that one is better than another. We as humans have been made devided. next paragraph next comment.
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Saturday, May. 30, 2009 @ 02:53:51 pm
how do you question darwin's theory.. you can't do it through a micro scope. the pope's influence has grown by such that he can convince you of what you see. That is why science an medicine can't be real. Eggs are good for you. eggs are bad for you.. humans are so busy nit picking apart reality that they lost focus on what reality is. YOU will give this god of superstition your blind faith, but you will not give nature it's truth. do you see??? BLIND FAITH VS OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES AND LOOK THERE ARE TREES. LOOK THERE IS AN EARTH BENEATH YOUR FEET. OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK DROP SOMETHING THERE IS GRAVITY.. IF YOU CALCULATE IT WRONG GRAVITY IS STILL THERE.. IF YOU DON,T KNOW THE CALCULATION GRAVITY IS STILL THERE. IF YOU CAN,T SEE THE BLOOD MATCHES OF APES AND HUMANS LOOK AT THE PHYSICAL SIMILIARITIES.. THEY ARE THERE.. WHAT DOES THAT DAMN GOD GIVE YOU. A ONE WAY TICKET TO EXTINCTION THAT IS ALL... next paragraph next comment.
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Saturday, May. 30, 2009 @ 03:43:05 pm
they preach of an all knowing god and now you say they teach god as well.. Religion and nature have nothing to do with each other.. nature has cycles... somethinglike a human having habits.. Religions create traditions that go against nature till it breaks nature..And with 2000 years of constant push against it nature has broken many times..We are born spritual, emotional, mental and physical. When we leave religions we undergo a spiritual HEALING, That healing is or reunion with the living earth. our reatachment via a healthy nature. So now the pope fights back as we leave nature and begins to pick at the damages done to nature along the way of Nature,s battle with Rome. Now we see the upsurge of psychic practices.. such as, prophecy.. now as we are set free in nature we each have access to our futures. We are now under attack by a new kind of predator.. a spiriual predator. Micheal Jackson is such a predator as was the pope and Rome for 2000 years. we are vulnerable because so we get caught unaware.. and again nature is challenged. because as if the push for physical violence is not enough of challenge to fight, now we have spiritual violence. The christians are pushing for prophecy shows them as support for Rome. Blindness, greed, stupidity.. violence. Rome ripped the fabric of nature. this is not a good thing. increase in tornadoe activity, incease in hurricanes, earthquakes. these are very real natural disasters. Other phenomena, ghosting, bermuda triangle. these are things that we are seeking to heal at this time. People who celebrate, practice, impose, continue these things damage nature, and also open up our societies to betray nature in a different manner. it's like rubbing salt in an open paragraph, will be dealt with in the next comment
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Saturday, May. 30, 2009 @ 06:48:40 pm
Religions were created to limit our understanding of this world.The Bible introduced for the greatest of confusion. they do not want nature to be healed or understood.. Nature is what keeps life going. Who are we to interfere with nature, and through that life on this planet..that is twice you mention our stong foundation in the if knowing the physical is wrong.. it is the physical where we exist.. When our societies are ruled, governed and influenced by religion it is not the physical that we are holding onto.. it is the misconception of spirit.. the lies we bind ourselves by. I began questioning as a kid.. we are not so frightened then .. the adults are made to be scared.. I don,t get it.. I passed through something. the fear was not mine. felt like it was mine but I knew it was not. the vatican is feeding us rage and fear. to cause us to react as in instinct. preventing us from asking the questions we need to ask.. Religions are to be challenged. In the past 10 years I have worked very hard at seeing nature. I received all my answers.. there are still questions and answers belonging to others out there.. We are just starting to understand what questions need to be answered. We should not bind or limit ourselves to that bloody bible. it is designed to create maximum confusion. both in the spirit and in the mind.As far as understanding. nature is quite the easy thing to understand... there is no excuse for not understanding.. there are holes in nature, that require healing.. I work on those.. but for humanity to just understand nature will bring on a support of healing. We have to start somewhere. We have to start now. There are holes of confusion in toronto by the way.. Sars an other illnesses.. west nile all come from it. if we learn to work with nature we can minimize illness break out. In my work I see a great plague as bad as the black plague comming.. we need to work now.. next paragraph, next comment
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Saturday, May. 30, 2009 @ 07:17:41 pm
The puzzle is difficult to put together. People don’t have all the answers. We are not permitted an understanding of truth, knowledge, and anything that is real and valuable. If numbers are created by humans, then how many God’s are there? It is a trick question. Good luck on finding out the answer. ==========================================================it is all given to us as a puzzle to solve.. and he closer one gets to the solution the more confusion is added and the more complex the puzzle is made. Rise above the riddles.. start from scratch.. leave all the unnatural behind.. walk away from the bible, walk away from the strange an bizzar. seek out only the natural.. start from scatch.. the tree leaves an pines are green.the sky is blue. sun comes up sun goes down..Is it vanity that keeps us from admitting we don't understand... I watched Religulous.. at the end Bill Maher says something like.. it is humble to say I don't know.. grow up or die.. He is dead on that way.. We stand on the edge of change. the old way is dead. two new paths open up.. the one that leads to healing, the other to a faster demise..==========================================================If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it is that there is more than one way of doing things. There is more than one answer for one question. People come in all shapes and sizes, and perspectives do too. I don’t know the complete answer, but in this blog, you’ll find that this is my present understanding. It is possible, if not likely, that my future understanding could be much different. Who knows? Time will tell, I suppose. All I know is that there is a system behind the system. The government is not the reason for our blunders, but rather it is a medium of enforcing laws and imposing regulations. Why? ==========================================================The government is a front man for the religions which is a front man for the pope which is the front man for the Roman agenda.. which seeks to be served as god.. god. is based on the way the roman ceasars demanded to be served or die.. well ceasar is dead and the pope,s hands are tied. There is no putting off there is no excuse for not finding the answers now.==========================================================The human mind must be controlled or it will be uncontrollable. What is a limitless mind? It’s unheard of, but you may not realize this yet, your long term memory is infinite. No limits. No restraints. In perfect condition, you are not limited to so much space or information or knowledge. You may forget where you put your keys, but generally, you will not forget your name, where you live, or how to speak. There are no limits to how much you can speak, at present, so I suggest you take your freedom and pass the truth on to others.==========================================================This part and the next part sounds like a verbatum report of the battle. the mind does have a limit. it is limited to your physical body.. the thinking that this goes with reflects a tear in nature a great damage..I played a role here as a witness, as a teacher as a healer..==========================================================Trust me, they need to hear. Even if it means that they consider it rubbish, for even rubbish will remain in the back of the mind. Hopefully it is not yet too late; I feel we have time to really accomplish some great things for humanity. We must connect with each other. Not just online, but in person and physically. If the Internet were to ever go down forever there would be an end to our present connectedness. Thus you must realize how fragile our present state really is. Fortunately, there are seekers of the truth in every country. It is my hope that one day every household will call itself a seeker of the truth. Forget about the brainwash and the manipulation. It is truly time to get rid of it. Embrace something more.==========================================================this here sounds like the queen of England. Elizabeth II. Sounds like she is speaking to me.. You see the pope proclaims he has authority over me because of something he calls the law of kings.. and in my travels I come accross queen elizabeth who sits on a kings throne and we become friends in the spirit and we work together.. this sounds like something she would be saying... when fighting with me the pope takes spirit, knowledge to rome and edits it with edicts on the other side of the planet an tries to command from there. I support the queen in her position as queen making the pope without foundation.. the problem today is that the tears in nature really are hurting our minds.. because nture is trying to work this thing out.. if we don't start workingwith nature. in his confusion.. because of allthses tears there is a great illness going. We are having a hard time reaching our conscious minds.. all of us.. I have reached mine but the pope places these holes between us. holes that absorb our minds. it is the thinking that our minds can be limitless that allows us to be taken in by it. it is these holes that also contribute to memory loss. yes you can forget your name, where you live. your address.. it is the cause of alztimers and a few more similar illnesses.I hope I have answered your questions.. Gypsy
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