Thursday, June 4, 2009

The topic of God...

Always a hot subject. Natural spiritual persons. People who litterally hear the earth. The earth has been crying since I was a child. I've heard it every day of mylife. I also hear the religioius persecutions. I was raised called stupid, dumb worthless, ugly, fat. I was raised with violence. Nothing I do could get acceptance. When I was a teen, my brother was a year older, he 16 and I 15 having a conversation with my parents. What do you want to do when you finish high school. I said go to college and they laughed at me. My grades were not worse than my brothers. School was easier for me..I catch on easily to most things. They laughed, they put my brother through college, ten years after I put myself through college. and graduated with honors... I was treated as a disposable person my whole life. Nothing I do was good enough. What does constant put down do. I fight, in my own way I fight for myself, my dignity, my self respect. I have fought my whole life. Friends never stay around, familly ignores or turn their backs on me. a veil of denial.. It still exist. Why am I different? I am different because I hear the wind. The wispers of nature and the earth. Why do I not understand these things? They killed all my teachers, all those who would have left their example before me. They destroyed all the work of nature that is our foudation of survival and well being from our cultures and societies. They destroyed my heritage, the one that would have unerstood what I was. I am spiritual, and I see and hear things only the earth can tell you about. Some are born with the ability to be spiritual, a gift like some are strong, some are fast, some are artistic, some musical. Everyone has some kind of talent, or ability. mine is being able to hear th spirit. But those who preach the bible say I am evil. that I am a savage, those that talk of god hate me for I know there can be no god. for I hear the words of man who seek to destroy those who can expose their treachery. Why do the people not know nature, why do the people not know of spirit, because those of religion would kill us all still. for the past 40 years nature has had a positive healing, twenty years ago, a full christian revival in the USA began to erode nature's healing. and through that came an attempt at world war three by George W Bush . Now in the USA you have a hard time getting elected without bible loyalty. George W Bush eroded many personal rights and freedoms of the people. Do they realize it yet? Do they see the destruction still on the rise? George W Bush and his war, and the many wars the americans are secretly involved with are a huge drain on nature. The seventies were not that far away, the hippies, the freedom, the cry for peace. How soon they forget, Kent State (1970), Berkley 1964 to the 1970's.. young adults standing for peace and free speach meeting up with deadly resistiance from the government. No there is no god. Just religions trying to keep the status quo. A few ruling the many as slaves. Religion is simply a hidden form of government that people don't recongnize. their agenda keep the masses ignorant and we shall over come them.


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